Chapter 2963 She's A Wereslut(Incest/Taboo):>Ep4
"I know sweetie." Mom said her voice cool and even. "You were spared his darker nature. I'll leave it at that. Let me tell you about the ring." She said as she pulled out the gallon of milk for the cookies. "I love cold milk with cookies right out of the oven. Let me think... I was just out of high school when he and I went camping. There were supposed to be six of us, but the others backed out at the last minute. We had supplies for six, especially the booze. Your great grandfather owned property that butted up against a national park. Your Uncle Davros inherited it when our grandad passed away. I got it when he blew himself up. Anyway, we spent five days in the cabin alone." She paused and frowned as if weighing whether to tell me something. "The thing fell out of the sky on the third night. We were already outside, and we stopped what we were doing to investigate. The thing had smashed into an ancient tree and busted it to bits. We stopped the small fire that it had caused. It cooled quickly and we used thin tree limbs to form a makeshift carrier. I never touched it. Davros was enthralled by it. He forgot I existed and for that I was grateful."
"You are talking about a meteor and..." I began just as Narya appeared.
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