Chapter 1861 Cuddle-slut:>>13
I started having more cooking lessons with my sister after that, and they did improve my skills at least marginally. It helped that April was really getting the hang of motivating me. It used to be that I'd just get distracted when she tried to teach me, back in the days before I'd admitted what she meant to me. She still distracted me, but at least now we could use my attraction to her for more constructive purposes.
The promise of any sort of sexy times, for example, was always sufficient to get my attention and could apply to more situations than just cooking. I had my final exams coming up in school, and I'd always been a procrastinator when it came to studying. April started playing a game with me that she called 'strip studying,' and it actually made me want to review and reread and practice and all those other things I should have been doing anyway.
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