Chapter 8 Capture The Flag

Amarah “Eos, get the Warriors to the clearing.” I say as I approach the group of women near the training ground. Eos and Rhea don’t hesitate a moment and instruct the Warriors I want to assess through the mind-link, while I walk over to Ione and Melia to have them follow me to the clearing. The clearing is a strip of no-mans land between our Pack and that of our neighbors, we use it to assess our new Warriors or to train them to build up their speed. We also keep an eye on it during our patrols, because it is the perfect way for rogues to try to get access to our territory. The clearing runs from our northern border to our southern border making it our eastern border, not that any rogue has been able to penetrate our borders and if it is up to me they never will. For the next three weeks I will not only use the clearing to train our Warriors, but also to prepare myself for the Alpha bloodline competition. I step into the clearing and my eyes get drawn to the western border of Dark Mountain Pack, in the past ten years we have only seen someone of their Pack a handful of times. “Okay, Gentlemen. Today we play “capture the flag” and I want you to talk strategy with Eos and Rhea, once the first one of you comes for me you have an hour to get the flag from me. I promise you, I will do everything I can to keep the damn thing. So, good luck.” I say as I walk away from the group with Ione and Melia. An hour later I am still the proud owner of the flag and every Warrior is flat on their back, trying to catch their breath. They did a hell of a job, but I am just too fast for them and I have to admit that I know they will never succeed. Even my friends have never been successful, not even with the help of Alastor. For the past four days we have played “capture the flag” three times a day and every day the amount of Warriors that join gets bigger. Eos told them on the second day why I used this type of training and each and every member of my Pack wants to help me get ready. Twice a day I play it with my Warriors, just to improve myself and them and they are becoming fanatics. Once a day with the Pups, all of them love the running around and their Mothers stand on our border cheering them on. Mom and Dad have joined them twice already and the huge smile on Mom’s face is a sight for sore eyes. This morning the group of Warriors is the biggest that it has ever been and I laugh as I see them arguing with Eos and Rhea on what might be the best way to try and grab the flag. “Let’s make this a bit more interesting. How many knifes do you think I can nick?” I ask Ione and Melia through our mind-link and I hear their giggles as they are thinking about my question. Ione thinks maybe one or two and Melia thinks I might manage to grab five knifes. There are eighteen Warriors in the clearing and all of them carry at least one knife in their belt, so the minimum could be eighteen if I can take one from each of them. As Eos and Rhea walk in our direction I ask them the same question through the mind-link. Rhea agrees with Melia but Eos thinks that I might be able to grab six knifes and I smile at their lack of confidence in me. A twig snapping to my left has me on high alert and the same goes for everyone in the clearing with me, but I see it is a Warrior of Dark Mountain Pack. Suddenly five more men step forward and I hear Eos say through the mind-link “Yummy” and we burst out in laughter. “Okay, if you Gentlemen are ready I suggest you start.” Rhea calls out to our Warriors. I step away from the group as the Warriors spread out and slowly make their way over to me. Myles is the first one to lunge at me, but I had already seen it coming and I quickly step aside. He slams into the ground face first and I hear Ione call out “Ouch” as two Warriors try next. I run around them, I jump over them and slide under them. Melia whistles as the hour has passed and I grab the flag from my belt with a huge smile on my face. “Sorry, guys. I didn’t lose anything.” I shout as I walk towards Melia, “Unfortunately you all did lose something.” And the girls hold up all the knifes that I took from them. Nestor bursts out in laughter as he realizes that I took both his knifes and each Warrior is looking from the knifes to me and back again, not understanding how I managed to do that. Theseus Yesterday one of our Warriors told me that members of White Cresent Pack are using the clearing between our Packs for training and this morning I told my Warriors to warn me if they showed up again. I don’t mind them using it, but I was wondering why they didn’t use their own training grounds. “Alpha, they are back at the clearing.” One of my Warriors informs me and I tell my men to follow me. Damien has been training a little bit more than usual, but not as much as I think he should and I have a feeling he will not make it through the first round. As we approach our western border we can hear chatter coming from the clearing and most of the voices belong to males, but as we clear the tree-line I can see a few females with them. The females are standing together and so are the males, making me wonder what is going on. “Those are Warriors of White Cresent Pack, Theseus. Including the women, look at the emblem on their jacket.” Apollo states and after looking at all of them I agree with him, these are Warriors. One of the females shouts out to the males and another female steps away from her group. One of the females on the sideline calls out “Ouch” as one of the males hits the ground and we all chuckle as Ajax mumbles, “Beginners luck.” Soon after that he mumbles “Fuck” as we see the female dodge all the males attempts to get a hold of her. “The one with the auburn hair is a Delta’s Daughter, I met her when she was about twelve years old and the one with jet black hair is the Gamma’s Daughter.” Apollo says. Xanthos tells us that the female with light brown hair is the Beta’s Daughter and the female with dark brown hair is also a Delta’s Daughter. “Who is the female with ash blond hair?” Josh, one of my Warriors asks and none of us can answer that question. The blow of a whistle draws our attention back to the clearing and every Warrior is laying on his back as the female pulls something from behind her. “Capture the Flag.” Josh says and I have to admit he is right, they were never meant to grab her. They were meant to grab the flag, but failed miserably and I am stunned when I see the other females holding up hands full of knifes. Every Warrior is checking their belts and it looks like she not only held on to the flag, but also took all of their knifes away from them. Xanthos is laughing his ass off as he watches the stunned looks on the Warrior’s faces and I watch as one of the Warriors approaches her, he bows his head as he speaks to her. All the males show her deep respect and Midas thinks she might be the Daughter of their Head Warrior. The way she holds herself tells me she is a High-ranking Wolf, so he might be right as a Head Warrior is considered a High-ranking Wolf. Suddenly the clearing is completely quiet and as I lift my head I see that all of them are gone. I strain my eyes to see if I can still spot them, but it is of no use and I see surprised looks on the others as well. They had not noticed them leaving either and a part of me feels relieved that I wasn’t the only one that missed it, I chuckle as I look at my best friends. Shortly after lunch Josh links me again to tell me that they are back, but this time with a bunch of Pups and I tell him to just ignore them as we already know why they are using the clearing. I put my focus back on the paperwork in front of me, but my mind keeps wandering back to the female in the clearing. I still haven’t been able to find out who she is, not even my Father could tell me after I described her and I know he has met most of their members when he still ran our Pack. My Father had looked rather surprised when I had told him during lunch what we had seen. For a moment I even thought he didn’t believe me, but my men confirming my story changed the look on his face and he had quickly changed the subject when Damien joined us. I wasn’t the only one that noticed and Xanthos was the one that asked through our mind-link what that was all about, but I knew as much as he did.
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Chapter 1 Rejected Chapter 2 Find Out Chapter 3 Answers Chapter 4 Asteria Chapter 5 Long Awaited Chapter 6 Females In Control Chapter 7 Uneasy Chapter 8 Capture The Flag Chapter 9 Asylum Chapter 10 Missing Chapter 11 Delia appChapter 12 Culture Shock appChapter 13 Moving appChapter 14 Secrets appChapter 15 Welcome appChapter 16 First Fight appChapter 17 Alpha appChapter 18 Sweet Revenge appChapter 19 Punishment appChapter 20 All Eyes appChapter 21 Genes appChapter 22 First Mate appChapter 23 Annoying Wolves appChapter 24 Time Bomb appChapter 25 The Past appChapter 26 Explosion appChapter 27 Joseph appChapter 28 History Lesson appChapter 29 Little Crescent Pack appChapter 30 Unraveling appChapter 31 Adoption appChapter 32 Apart appChapter 33 Making The Call appChapter 34 Dinner appChapter 35 Accusations appChapter 36 Ajax And Ione appChapter 37 Training appChapter 38 Mark Me appChapter 39 A New Future appChapter 40 Meeting Joseph appChapter 41 Happy appChapter 42 Luna Position appChapter 43 No Doctor appChapter 44 My Son appChapter 45 Ouch appChapter 46 Accepted appChapter 47 Golden Wolf appChapter 48 Not Your Luna appChapter 49 Paintings appChapter 50 Final Match appChapter 51 Aother Fight appChapter 52 Complete appChapter 53 Old Ways appChapter 54 Learning appChapter 55 Dark Mountain Pack appChapter 56 No Alpha appChapter 57 Lycans appChapter 58 Not Asking appChapter 59 Past And Present appChapter 60 No Vote appChapter 61 An Old Tradition appChapter 62 Send Off appChapter 63 My Dream appChapter 64 Visitors appChapter 65 Puzzeled appChapter 66 Change appChapter 67 Stunned appChapter 68 Last Time appChapter 69 Umayza appChapter 70 Conviction appChapter 71 Evander appChapter 72 Conri appChapter 73 Unexpected appChapter 74 Almost appChapter 75 Accident appChapter 76 Interigation appChapter 77 The Note appChapter 78 First Shift appChapter 79 What? appChapter 80 Assignment appChapter 81 Little Ghost appChapter 82 Cold Shoulder appChapter 83 Suspicious appChapter 84 Unknown appChapter 85 A Step Forward appChapter 86 The Truth appChapter 87 Destination appChapter 88 Terminated appChapter 89 Calliope appChapter 90 Explitation appChapter 91 Orion appChapter 92 It's A Boy appChapter 93 Jasper And Yade appChapter 94 Malik appChapter 95 Absent Wolf appChapter 96 Research appChapter 97 First Time appChapter 98 The Morning After appChapter 99 On Our Way appChapter 100 Crossing The Border appChapter 101 Massacre appChapter 102 Captured appChapter 103 Surprise appChapter 104 Details appChapter 105 Where appChapter 106 Talking appChapter 107 An Answer appChapter 108 Days Of The Full Moon appChapter 109 Marking appChapter 110 Coming Home appChapter 111 Debriefing appChapter 112 My Mate appChapter 113 Approval appChapter 114 Family appChapter 115 Answers appChapter 116 Second Chance appChapter 117 Poison appChapter 118 Visit appChapter 119 Naughty Lycans appChapter 120 Pups appChapter 121 Daycare appChapter 122 Bet appChapter 123 Just Us appChapter 124 New Assignment appChapter 125 Sleepwear appChapter 126 Memories appChapter 127 First Choice appChapter 128 Little Dress appChapter 129 Guard Duty appChapter 130 The Trial Ends appChapter 131 Closure appChapter 132 Cravings appChapter 133 Bullshit appChapter 134 My Life appChapter 135 appChapter 136 appChapter 137 appChapter 138 appChapter 139 appChapter 140 appChapter 141 appChapter 142 appChapter 143 appChapter 144 appChapter 145 appChapter 146 appChapter 147 appChapter 148 appChapter 149 appChapter 150 appChapter 151 appChapter 152 appChapter 153 appChapter 154 appChapter 155 appChapter 156 appChapter 157 appChapter 158 appChapter 159 appChapter 160 appChapter 161 appChapter 162 appChapter 163 appChapter 164 appChapter 165 appChapter 166 appChapter 167 appChapter 168 appChapter 169 appChapter 170 appChapter 171 appChapter 172 appChapter 173 appChapter 174 appChapter 175 appChapter 176 appChapter 177 appChapter 178 appChapter 179 appChapter 180 appChapter 181 appChapter 182 appChapter 183 appChapter 184 appChapter 185 appChapter 186 appChapter 187 appChapter 188 appChapter 189 appChapter 190 appChapter 191 appChapter 192 appChapter 193 appChapter 194 appChapter 195 appChapter 196 appChapter 197 appChapter 198 appChapter 199 appChapter 200 appChapter 201 appChapter 202 appChapter 203 appChapter 204 appChapter 205 appChapter 206 appChapter 207 appChapter 208 appChapter 209 appChapter 210 appChapter 211 appChapter 212 appChapter 213 appChapter 214 appChapter 215 appChapter 216 appChapter 217 appChapter 218 appChapter 219 appChapter 220 appChapter 221 appChapter 222 appChapter 223 appChapter 224 appChapter 225 appChapter 226 appChapter 227 appChapter 228 appChapter 229 appChapter 230 appChapter 231 appChapter 232 appChapter 233 appChapter 234 appChapter 235 appChapter 236 appChapter 237 appChapter 238 appChapter 239 appChapter 240 appChapter 241 appChapter 242 appChapter 243 appChapter 244 appChapter 245 appChapter 246 appChapter 247 appChapter 248 appChapter 249 appChapter 250 appChapter 251 appChapter 252 appChapter 253 appChapter 254 appChapter 255 appChapter 256 appChapter 257 appChapter 258 appChapter 259 appChapter 260 appChapter 261 appChapter 262 appChapter 263 appChapter 264 appChapter 265 appChapter 266 appChapter 267 appChapter 268 appChapter 269 appChapter 270 appChapter 271 appChapter 272 appChapter 273 appChapter 274 appChapter 275 appChapter 276 appChapter 277 appChapter 278 appChapter 279 appChapter 280 appChapter 281 appChapter 282 appChapter 283 appChapter 284 appChapter 285 appChapter 286 appChapter 287 appChapter 288 Answers appChapter 289 The Lycan Alpha appChapter 290 Beating The Gamma appChapter 291 Alone Time I appChapter 292 Alone Time Ii appChapter 293 A New Day appChapter 294 Answers And Riddles appChapter 295 Conspiracy appChapter 296 More Answers appChapter 297 Princess appChapter 298 Going Home appChapter 299 Nicknames appChapter 300 Meeting The Family appChapter 301 Jax appChapter 302 Justin And Jason appChapter 303 Jayce appChapter 304 Finally appChapter 305 Newly Mated appChapter 306 Early Bird appChapter 307 Unwanted Attention appChapter 308 Too Long appChapter 309 Control appChapter 310 Storytime appChapter 311 Daydreaming appChapter 312 Abelia appChapter 313 Accepting appChapter 314 Invitation appChapter 315 Forgot appChapter 316 My Father appChapter 317 Unexpected appChapter 318 Dream appChapter 319 Bruises appChapter 320 Protocol appChapter 321 A Lesson appChapter 322 Predicament appChapter 323 Done appChapter 324 Dreaming appChapter 325 Getting Ready appChapter 326 Solution appChapter 327 Mates appChapter 328 Starting The Plan appChapter 329 What Now? appChapter 330 Mate-bond appChapter 331 Moved Out appChapter 332 Finding Answers appChapter 333 Secret appChapter 334 Confirmation appChapter 335 Tribute appChapter 336 Payback appChapter 337 Stunned appChapter 338 Identity Revealed appChapter 339 Coronation appChapter 340 Consequences I appChapter 341 Consequences Ii appChapter 342 Family appChapter 343 Lies appChapter 344 My Family appChapter 345 Accepting? appChapter 346 Dead End appChapter 347 Aura appChapter 348 Law Student appChapter 349 Old Book appChapter 350 Cousin Max appChapter 351 Remodeling appChapter 352 Hating Life appChapter 353 Heading Home appChapter 354 Old Tradition appChapter 355 Home Again appChapter 356 Road Trip appChapter 357 Accept appChapter 358 Elder No More appChapter 359 Bedtime appChapter 360 Our Bed appChapter 361 Prank appChapter 362 Mind-link appChapter 363 First Time appChapter 364 Blow Up appChapter 365 Surprise appChapter 366 Too Much appChapter 367 Not Ready appChapter 368 Together appChapter 369 Departure appChapter 370 Getting Closer appChapter 371 Unfair appChapter 372 Crumble appChapter 373 Giant appChapter 374 Unexpected appChapter 375 Puppy appChapter 376 Good Night Sleep appChapter 377 Tainted Bloodline appChapter 378 Conspiracy appChapter 379 Princess Dress appChapter 380 Punishment appChapter 381 Almost Forgotten appChapter 382 Needing Colt appChapter 383 Rotten appChapter 384 Pregnant appChapter 385 Adopting appChapter 386 Home Again appChapter 387 Explanation appChapter 388 Age Of Consent appChapter 389 Lecture appChapter 390 Objection appChapter 391 Old Fashioned appChapter 392 Not My Future appChapter 393 Combination appChapter 394 Second Chance appChapter 395 Another Law appChapter 396 Visiting Packs appChapter 397 Fuchsia appChapter 398 Secrets appChapter 399 Forgot appChapter 400 Discussion appChapter 401 What To Do appChapter 402 Return Home appChapter 403 Adoption appChapter 404 Secret Is Out appChapter 405 Twins appChapter 406 New Color Red? appChapter 407 Elder Ward appChapter 408 Challenge appChapter 409 Trouble appChapter 410 Banished appChapter 411 Ace And Madison appChapter 412 Adjusting appChapter 413 Finally appChapter 414 The Beginning appChapter 415 Fifteen Years Later appChapter 416 Rejection appChapter 417 Departure appChapter 418 Savings appChapter 419 Pack-bond appChapter 420 Coming appChapter 421 Nothing Left appChapter 422 Growling appChapter 423 Remaining appChapter 424 Assistance appChapter 425 Doctor appChapter 426 New Member appChapter 427 Still Nothing appChapter 428 Closed appChapter 429 Picture appChapter 430 Chosen Mate appChapter 431 Following Lotus appChapter 432 Tears appChapter 433 Love appChapter 434 Journals appChapter 435 Not Me appChapter 436 Happy appChapter 437 Not His Mate appChapter 438 In The Clear appChapter 439 Found appChapter 440 Letter appChapter 441 Code appChapter 442 Closure appChapter 443 Shifter appChapter 444 Mate appChapter 445 No Luna appChapter 446 Arguing appChapter 447 Looking For Me appChapter 448 Alone Time appChapter 449 Omega appChapter 450 Answer appChapter 451 Yes appChapter 452 Not Leaving appChapter 453 Visitors appChapter 454 Trouble appChapter 455 Breaking Heart appChapter 456 Kittens appChapter 457 His Room appChapter 458 Marking appChapter 459 Nowhere appChapter 460 First Mate appChapter 461 No Answers appChapter 462 Asleep appChapter 463 Unknown appChapter 464 Stay appChapter 465 Unwanted Visitor appChapter 466 Last Connection appChapter 467 Found Him appChapter 468 First Shift appChapter 469 Related appChapter 470 Third Degree appChapter 471 Heartbeat appChapter 472 Mind-link appChapter 473 Omega appChapter 474 Button Up appChapter 475 Merging appChapter 476 Finally appChapter 477 Explanation appChapter 478 Pregnant appChapter 479 Confirmation appChapter 480 Family appChapter 481 Pup Or Cub appChapter 482 At Peace appChapter 483 No Beta Left appChapter 484 Moon Stone Pack appChapter 485 The All Alphas Meeting appChapter 486 Food appChapter 487 Dirty Looks appChapter 488 Trouble appChapter 489 Implication appChapter 490 Permission appChapter 491 Get Your Paws Off Her appChapter 492 Lucky appChapter 493 Confused appChapter 494 Punishment appChapter 495 Imagination appChapter 496 Agitated appChapter 497 Handle appChapter 498 Plans appChapter 499 Mine appChapter 500 Leadership appChapter 501 Growling appChapter 502 Answer appChapter 503 Night Patrol appChapter 504 Laughing appChapter 505 Dissolve appChapter 506 Next Alpha appChapter 507 Elsewhere appChapter 508 Trouble appChapter 509 Restrain appChapter 510 Punishment appChapter 511 Challenge appChapter 512 Abilities appChapter 513 Wait And See appChapter 514 Tree appChapter 515 More Questions appChapter 516 A Peek appChapter 517 Own Leadership appChapter 518 Questions appChapter 519 Inside appChapter 520 Meetings appChapter 521 Need appChapter 522 Story appChapter 523 Bloodline appChapter 524 Mistake appChapter 525 Obligation appChapter 526 Carving appChapter 527 Realization appChapter 528 Taken Out appChapter 529 Smile appChapter 530 Dearly appChapter 531 Bottle appChapter 532 Knowing appChapter 533 Marking appChapter 534 Chest appChapter 535 Kitchen appChapter 536 Trial appChapter 537 No Sense appChapter 538 Cameras appChapter 539 No One appChapter 540 Silent appChapter 541 Out Of Sight appChapter 542 Bush appChapter 543 Staring appChapter 544 Anyway appChapter 545 Questions appChapter 546 Twinkle appChapter 547 Shade Of Red appChapter 548 Whisper appChapter 549 Karma appChapter 550 Laughing appChapter 551 Edge appChapter 552 Reach appChapter 553 Changes appChapter 554 My Mate appChapter 555 Present appChapter 556 Roar appChapter 557 Few appChapter 558 L O L appChapter 559 Rank appChapter 560 Shock appChapter 561 Step appChapter 562 Answer appChapter 563 Information appChapter 564 Hoping appChapter 565 Preparing appChapter 566 Territory appChapter 567 Private Office appChapter 568 Pay appChapter 569 Something Changed appChapter 570 Black Eye appChapter 571 Just Happy app
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