Chapter 1 Introduction

Ella: Are you done crying? Mary, my step-mom raised one of her sharp eye-brows and taunted me. I looked up to find her staring at me by the door. At 48, she thought she was no less than Elisabeth Taylor. Wearing a slinky pink night suit putting her surgical breast implants on full display, I doubt if any part of her was real. This was one of the usual days where she would remind me how wretched and unlucky I was for the family, not that she ever had anything nice to say. But for me today was Cecelia, my mother’s death anniversary, when my world turned upside down exactly 12 years ago in 2007 after she passed away from a long standing battle with cancer. I was only 13 years old, still too young to understand and grasp the reality of the situation. Wiping my tears off, I wrapped my night robe, got up from the bed and started walking out of the room. "Where do you think you are going?" Mary stares at me asking the question as she puts her hands on her hips to emphasize her point. “I have to go early to the office today”, I replied back without making any eye-contact. It was time for work and I did not want to get into any kind of argument with her. “Make sure you clean-up the utensils and prepare the food before you leave. I want fresh strawberries, blueberries and mangoes served with zero fat yoghurt topped with pumpkin and sunflower seeds for breakfast and chicken Caesar salad for lunch. Ask your sisters what they would like to eat; they leave for college and work at 8 am” she orders me in a threatening tone. I nod my head and walk out of my tiny room. As I walk down the stairs, I drift back to my childhood. Mamma would come to my beautifully decorated bedroom; kiss and wake me up from bed, dress me up in pretty clothes and tell me that the world was my oyster. There would be my favourite blueberry pancakes for breakfast post which my father would drop me off to school. On weekends, Daddy would take us on long drives along the coast. We would often go on hiking camps to the Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Park. I have saved all the pictures in a family album safely tucked away from Mary’s clutches. I am afraid that she might destroy any happy memories which did not include her and these pictures were my prized possessions. My childhood bedroom was taken over by Bridget and Beatrice-my stepsisters and I was moved to a small room where old furniture, used clothes and stock items were piled up. Over a period of time, I had converted that tiny room into a time-machine. Every time I entered the door, I would travel back in time where baby Ella was safe and protected in her parent’s love. Sometimes, I wish my father would have thought just a little bit more before he made such a hasty decision.
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Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Cinderella Chapter 3 Joe Chapter 4 Bounded By Virtue Chapter 5 Dropping Hints! appChapter 6 Interrogation appChapter 7 Dinner Trap appChapter 8 Melodrama appChapter 9 Status Quo appChapter 10 Gold-digger appChapter 11 A Lonely Christmas! appChapter 12 Reaffirmations appChapter 13 Anticipation appChapter 14 Manicures And Happiness appChapter 15 “My Fairy Godmother!” appChapter 16 Surprise Reveal appChapter 17 Technical Glitch appChapter 18 Showdown appChapter 19 Revelation appChapter 20 Dance With Me appChapter 21 Foreplay With Fire appChapter 22 One-night Stand appChapter 23 Tied and tasted appChapter 24 Orgasms appChapter 25 Keep The Change appChapter 26 James appChapter 27 Cruel Intentions appChapter 28 Monday Blues appChapter 29 Work It! appChapter 30 Fate! appChapter 31 Connecting The Dots appChapter 32 Bridget appChapter 33 Grand Scheme Of Things appChapter 34 Conflict Of Interest appChapter 35 Piece Of My Mind appChapter 36 Making Of The Mystery Girl appChapter 37 Deception appChapter 38 Botox And More! appChapter 39 Confused And Bothered appChapter 40 Making Hay While The Sun Shines! appChapter 41 Retrospective Scheming appChapter 42 The Mask Is Off! appChapter 43 Murphy’S Law appChapter 44 Change Of Mind appChapter 45 Double Entendre appChapter 46 Communication Is A Two Way Street appChapter 47 Two Can Play This Game appChapter 48 Knock Knock! appChapter 49 Uninvited appChapter 50 Smack That! appChapter 51 High And Dry! appChapter 52 Monday Moaning! appChapter 53 Sip And Chill! appChapter 54 Drained appChapter 55 Bad Surprise appChapter 56 Toast And Spike! appChapter 57 Spike And Strike! appChapter 58 Nasty Shock! appChapter 59 Negotiations appChapter 60 Listen Before You Speak appChapter 61 Time appChapter 62 Mr Murphy Strikes Again appChapter 63 Concoction appChapter 64 Karma Is A Biatch! appChapter 65 Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed appChapter 66 Roofied appChapter 67 Prenuptial Agreement appChapter 68 Tit For Tat appChapter 69 Haters Gonna Hate! appChapter 70 Ice It Up! appChapter 71 Last Minute Requirement appChapter 72 Contract For Contract appChapter 73 Emotional Gamut appChapter 74 Perks Of A Holt Account! appChapter 75 Marriage Contract-part 1 appChapter 76 Marriage Contract-part 2 appChapter 77 Marriage Contract-part 3 appChapter 78 Marriage Contract-part 4 appChapter 79 Birthday Bash appChapter 80 Happy Birthday! appChapter 81 Drunken Hazard appChapter 82 Past Hurdles appChapter 83 Unreasonable Demand appChapter 84 Unfair Dismissal appChapter 85 Flying Rage appChapter 86 Air-lifted appChapter 87 Light-headed appChapter 88 Chaperoned appChapter 89 “M I N E” appChapter 90 The Holt Hospitality appChapter 91 What Next? appChapter 92 Dining Delights appChapter 93 Breakfast And More appChapter 94 “White Lie” appChapter 95 Contract Negotiation appChapter 96 Ruthless Arsehole! appChapter 97 The Power appChapter 98 Meeting The Mommy appChapter 99 Frills And Thrills appChapter 100 My Biatches! appChapter 101 The Surprises Continue! appChapter 102 Dress-up appChapter 103 Hidden Gem appChapter 104 Defiance appChapter 105 Light In Every Moment appChapter 106 My Little Lamb appChapter 107 Double Entendre appChapter 108 Doorbell appChapter 109 Cuddles And Babbles appChapter 110 Save My Son! appChapter 111 We’Re All Family!! appChapter 112 Two-part Strategy appChapter 113 Promise appChapter 114 Forgiveness app
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