Chapter 2123 Delving Deeper

"It's nothing major." Emmanuel responded casually, "I just dealt with Magnus. Now, the Zelinsky family is teaming up with the Lannister and Tanner families to come after me. Let them try, though."
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Chapter 1 The Blind Date Blunder Chapter 2 Failure Chapter 3 Rags To Riches Chapter 4 Getting Married Chapter 5 Announcing His Marriage Chapter 6 A Horrible Son Chapter 7 Ice Queen Chapter 8 Go Home With Me Chapter 9 A Workplace Fiasco Chapter 10 Emmanuel Has a Wife Chapter 11 She Is Evil Incarnate Chapter 12 Emmanuel Again Chapter 13 Business On A Blind Date Chapter 14 Merciless Chapter 15 Color Emmanuel Surprised Chapter 16 His Subordinate Chapter 17 Turning Heads Chapter 18 A Worthy Opponent Chapter 19 Save Two Million Chapter 20 Emmanuel Gets Drunk appChapter 21 Spend The Night Outside appChapter 22 Slept On The Floor appChapter 23 A Perfectionist appChapter 24 How Did You Get Hurt appChapter 25 The Four Prominent Families appChapter 26 Regal Hotel appChapter 27 Catching Him In The Act appChapter 28 Claudette Is Shocked appChapter 29 Was It A Blitz Marriage appChapter 30 Keegan Shows Up appChapter 31 A Challenge appChapter 32 Trouble appChapter 33 Intrusion appChapter 34 Know Your Place appChapter 35 Please Accept My Apology appChapter 36 Flirt With Someone Else appChapter 37 She Cares About Him appChapter 38 Her Relation With The Wealthiest Family appChapter 39 Lock The Door appChapter 40 Outside The Office appChapter 41 Bet appChapter 42 Borrowing Money For Medical Fees appChapter 43 Encounter At The Hospital appChapter 44 Fighting Over The Ward appChapter 45 Patience Wins The Battle appChapter 46 A Date appChapter 47 An Angry Wife appChapter 48 Alessandra Gets Hired appChapter 49 Have You Ever Had Any Affairs appChapter 50 What Kind Of Interview Is This appChapter 51 Alessandra Goes To Work appChapter 52 Cannot Give Them To You appChapter 53 Asking Mackenzie For Help appChapter 54 Do Not Hold Her Accountable appChapter 55 A Drastic Change appChapter 56 A Minor Incident appChapter 57 Person In Charge appChapter 58 Drawing The Logo Herself appChapter 59 You Are A Genius appChapter 60 Up To No Good appChapter 61 Flattery appChapter 62 Big Trouble appChapter 63 Shameless appChapter 64 A Perfect Pair appChapter 65 So Useless appChapter 66 The Scoundrel Of A Man appChapter 67 Please Save Xylie appChapter 68 Who Dares To Stop Me appChapter 69 What Are You Doing appChapter 70 Thank You For Saving Me appChapter 71 Insult appChapter 72 Sit Tight appChapter 73 Pretending appChapter 74 Mackenzie Is Falling For That Man appChapter 75 Chicken appChapter 76 Arrogance appChapter 77 Good Samaritan appChapter 78 Get Lost appChapter 79 The Arrival Of Terence appChapter 80 First Meeting appChapter 81 Wrong House appChapter 82 You Should Leave appChapter 83 Work Harder appChapter 84 Invading My Privacy appChapter 85 No Need To Wait Up appChapter 86 Nothing Good appChapter 87 Misunderstand Him appChapter 88 Home Visit appChapter 89 Only Exception appChapter 90 The Verkades appChapter 91 Locked Outside appChapter 92 Locked Out appChapter 93 Cheating Couple appChapter 94 Apology appChapter 95 Avoid Wastage appChapter 96 Vile Rumors appChapter 97 Deja Vu appChapter 98 Jealous appChapter 99 Ridiculous appChapter 100 An Ordinary Man appChapter 101 I Was The Victim appChapter 102 A Gentleman appChapter 103 We Cannot Be Friends appChapter 104 I Am Concerned About You appChapter 105 Ignorant Fools Are Fearless appChapter 106 Did You Win The Lottery appChapter 107 Appreciation appChapter 108 What Is Wrong With Her appChapter 109 You Will Succeed appChapter 110 I Am Alone appChapter 111 You Are Still My Wife appChapter 112 The Qualities Of An Ideal Wife appChapter 113 Mom appChapter 114 Shameless appChapter 115 Has She No Shame appChapter 116 A Secret Between Us Two appChapter 117 Missed Calls appChapter 118 Extortion appChapter 119 Deep Fried appChapter 120 Finish It appChapter 121 Hermann Shows Up appChapter 122 Emmanuel To The Rescue appChapter 123 His Mere Presence Pollutes The Environment appChapter 124 He Has Only Himself To Blame appChapter 125 Zip Her Mouth appChapter 126 Truth Revealed appChapter 127 Goal Achieved appChapter 128 Handsome Man appChapter 129 Embarrassed appChapter 130 Mackenzie Feeling Proud appChapter 131 Sudden Intruders appChapter 132 Rescue appChapter 133 Reinforcement appChapter 134 Eve appChapter 135 An Old Comrade appChapter 136 Coming To His Rescue appChapter 137 Beaten To Death appChapter 138 A Tight Hug appChapter 139 What It Means To Be Romantic appChapter 140 Arson appChapter 141 Ryder Snaps appChapter 142 Ryder And Abellyn Argue appChapter 143 A Toy Drone appChapter 144 Robby Breaks The Toy appChapter 145 You Can Have That Broken Toy appChapter 146 Why Is My Wife So Different appChapter 147 Household Registration Transfer appChapter 148 Not His Child appChapter 149 A Leopard Never Changed Its Spots appChapter 150 Why Are You Indulging Her appChapter 151 Too Accommodating appChapter 152 Too Much Credit appChapter 153 Trending On The Internet appChapter 154 Ungrateful People appChapter 155 Brothers In Arms appChapter 156 Competition appChapter 157 Mackenzie Bares Her Jealousy appChapter 158 The Scheming Sisters appChapter 159 Ryder And His Dilemma appChapter 160 Jealousy appChapter 161 The Three Dishes appChapter 162 Heading Back To Greendale Village appChapter 163 The Hunt appChapter 164 Brighter Future Ahead appChapter 165 Is This Man A Monster appChapter 166 His Wonderful Dream Shattered appChapter 167 I Am A Male appChapter 168 Room Booking appChapter 169 Rare Opportunity appChapter 170 Coward appChapter 171 Time To Strike Back appChapter 172 My Lucky Star appChapter 173 Kept Man appChapter 174 Backfire appChapter 175 The Tides Have Turned appChapter 176 Gone Mad appChapter 177 Crazy appChapter 178 Murder appChapter 179 Go Home appChapter 180 Am I Not Human Too appChapter 181 We Are Not Pushover appChapter 182 Make Things Clear appChapter 183 Zane Xanders appChapter 184 Late Again appChapter 185 Giving Chase appChapter 186 Very Important Business appChapter 187 Concert Tickets appChapter 188 Girlfriend appChapter 189 She Likes His Compliments appChapter 190 Roselynn Got Herself A Boyfriend appChapter 191 I Am Already Married appChapter 192 An Unpleasant Surprise appChapter 193 Remove The Posts On The Internet appChapter 194 Get Out Of Our House appChapter 195 Installing Cameras And Collecting Evidence appChapter 196 Borrow Manuel appChapter 197 Biggest Love Rival appChapter 198 Diagnosing Claudette appChapter 199 Do You Mind Bringing Me Along appChapter 200 Nightfall Bar appChapter 201 Abellyn Is Cheating on Ryder appChapter 202 Tell Ryder to Get a Divorce With Abellyn appChapter 203 Ryder Knew That Abellyn Had Cheated On Him appChapter 204 Abellyn Denied It appChapter 205 Have You Ever Thought of Divorce? appChapter 206 Camping Out at Nightfall Bar appChapter 207 I Will Kill You appChapter 208 Stabbed appChapter 209 Half of Everything appChapter 210 The Divorce Will Happen appChapter 211 Dinner with Hermann appChapter 212 Pay Up appChapter 213 Golden Jade phoenix appChapter 214 Something Was Off appChapter 215 Illogical Evening appChapter 216 Ryder's Arrival appChapter 217 An Incapable Clown appChapter 218 Set Foot in the Upper Class appChapter 219 Teach Him a Lesson appChapter 220 Old Mr Quillen's Grandson appChapter 221 Golden Jade phoenix appChapter 222 I’m Willing to Spend Whatever It Takes appChapter 223 The Mysterious Bidder appChapter 224 A Bidding War appChapter 225 Emmanuel Is Stronger Than You Imagined appChapter 226 Encounter a Danger appChapter 227 Is This a Scam? appChapter 228 I Got You a Present appChapter 229 The Pendant appChapter 230 Love Rivalry appChapter 231 What Enemy? appChapter 232 How Vulgar appChapter 233 Hey, Gorgeous appChapter 234 Flirting and Failing appChapter 235 I Don't Know How to Play appChapter 236 I'll Try My Best appChapter 237 Beat Him Up appChapter 238 Indirect Kiss appChapter 239 Actual Bullets appChapter 240 Obsession appChapter 241 Emmanuel and Claudette Are Missing appChapter 242 Asking For Their Mothers appChapter 243 Unveiling the Forces appChapter 244 The Consequences appChapter 245 The Clueless Emmanuel appChapter 246 I Don't Want Him Anymore appChapter 247 Explanation to Argument appChapter 248 Unexpected First Kiss appChapter 249 I Didn't Cheat On You appChapter 250 Clear Signs of Romantic Heartbreak appChapter 251 Should I Give Up? appChapter 252 Is She Lacking Men? appChapter 253 Don't Keep Your Beauty to Yourself appChapter 254 Could She Be Emmanuel’s Wife? appChapter 255 I Want Him to Regret It appChapter 256 Showing Concern appChapter 257 My Wife Is So Fierce appChapter 258 Unusually Proactive appChapter 259 Drinking Game appChapter 260 Kiss Anyone in the Room appChapter 261 The Second Kiss appChapter 262 Going Home appChapter 263 Breakfast appChapter 264 Delayed Challenge appChapter 265 Wedding Preparations appChapter 266 The Start of the Wedding appChapter 267 Abellyn's Boasting appChapter 268 Chaos at the Wedding Banquet appChapter 269 Monetary Gift appChapter 270 A Good Housewife appChapter 271 Terence's Gift appChapter 272 Fulfilling a Husband's Duty appChapter 273 Regret appChapter 274 I Don't Want To Get Married Anymore appChapter 275 Always Back You Up appChapter 276 A Necklace Worth 200 Million appChapter 277 Scapegoat appChapter 278 Public Humiliation appChapter 279 Confrontation at the Wedding appChapter 280 A Potential Turning Point appChapter 281 A Suspicion Arises appChapter 282 Getting Justice for Roselynn appChapter 283 The Truth Is Out appChapter 284 A Husband's Responsibility appChapter 285 Emmanuel's Dilemma appChapter 286 Jaxton Made a Pledge appChapter 287 The Flower Mountain appChapter 288 The Adulterous Couple appChapter 289 Hit-and-Run appChapter 290 Who Is This Man? appChapter 291 The Event appChapter 292 The Meeting With Quintus appChapter 293 Fool Plus Fool Equals Comedy appChapter 294 Ball appChapter 295 In the Dark appChapter 296 Initiated a Kiss appChapter 297 I Was the One Who Knew You First! appChapter 298 We’re Good Friends appChapter 299 The Result He Wanted appChapter 300 Is This the End? appChapter 301 Every Yeringham Man's Dream appChapter 302 Can You Please Look the Other Way? appChapter 303 No Longer a Threat appChapter 304 That's the Reason appChapter 305 Sever Her Neck appChapter 306 He's No Average Joe appChapter 307 How Dare He appChapter 308 He's Not Only a Doctor But Also Her Husband appChapter 309 Afraid of Missteps appChapter 310 The Woman in Red appChapter 311 Shall I Hurt You Instead? appChapter 312 Is the Blockhead a Friend or a Foe? appChapter 313 Lure Them Elsewhere appChapter 314 Play the Hero appChapter 315 Men Are Untrustworthy appChapter 316 Let Go appChapter 317 I Will Divorce Him appChapter 318 Ryder Is Dead appChapter 319 Ryder Did This? appChapter 320 Help Ryder With His Legal Battles appChapter 321 I Won't Take Things From a Stranger appChapter 322 Not the Only Rich and Beautiful Woman appChapter 323 Why Give Up So Easily? appChapter 324 Mission Failed appChapter 325 No Regret appChapter 326 If Only Mackenzie Were Still My Wife appChapter 327 Seduce Emmanuel appChapter 328 Breaking the News appChapter 329 Emotional Conflict appChapter 330 I've Underestimated Abellyn appChapter 331 Could You Help Treat a Patient? appChapter 332 An Encounter appChapter 333 Please Let Me Treat Him appChapter 334 A Miracle appChapter 335 I'm Willing to Become Your Disciple! appChapter 336 Goodbye, Ms Quillen! appChapter 337 Left With No Way Out appChapter 338 Claudette Is Here appChapter 339 Abellyn Had Asked Zane for Help appChapter 340 Let's Settle This Matter Now appChapter 341 You Would Have to Get Over My Dead Body appChapter 342 An Unexpected Twist appChapter 343 Abellyn Was Left Alone appChapter 344 An Invisible Barrier Between Emmanuel and Claudette appChapter 345 The Knight and the Princess appChapter 346 The Annoying Admirer appChapter 347 Can I Join? appChapter 348 The Man With Tattoos appChapter 349 Am I in Trouble? appChapter 350 Falling in Love appChapter 351 Divorce Papers appChapter 352 Violence appChapter 353 Intervention appChapter 354 Lost Paperwork appChapter 355 Serenity Resort appChapter 356 Room 1314 appChapter 357 Heartless appChapter 358 Hubert Verkade appChapter 359 The Private Room Is Ready appChapter 360 The Traitor appChapter 361 Such a Petty Demand appChapter 362 The Palm Drop Technique appChapter 363 People Died for Wealth appChapter 364 Replenish Your Energy appChapter 365 Quinn the Cat appChapter 366 The Final Strike appChapter 367 The Highest Realm appChapter 368 You Can’t Give Me Any Happiness appChapter 369 You Can Have This Seat appChapter 370 An Explosion appChapter 371 The Best Opportunity for Revenge appChapter 372 Emmanuel Fought Them Off for Me appChapter 373 Let Me Drive appChapter 374 Get Out of Here appChapter 375 The Birthday Present appChapter 376 Your Wish Is My Command appChapter 377 Why Aren’t You Singing? appChapter 378 Magnus Is Ruthless appChapter 379 Stay With Me appChapter 380 Am I a Burden to You? appChapter 381 The Best Proof appChapter 382 Couldn’t Bear to Let Her Die appChapter 383 The Living Will Always Be Superior appChapter 384 A Sense of Pride appChapter 385 Magnus’ Shot appChapter 386 All of You Should Die appChapter 387 A Chain Reaction appChapter 388 I Will Handle This Matter appChapter 389 You Have to Help Me appChapter 390 He Killed Someone appChapter 391 Come Back to Me appChapter 392 Woman in a Black Trench Coat appChapter 393 Intentional Car Crash appChapter 394 The Northern Region appChapter 395 Crime Suppression Bureau appChapter 396 Golden Insignia appChapter 397 Revealing the Truth appChapter 398 Wolf Warrior Unit appChapter 399 Falsely Reported Case appChapter 400 Annoying Person appChapter 401 Can't Find Him? appChapter 402 She's Not Dead?! appChapter 403 Madam Verkade appChapter 404 Do You Want To Host the Ceremony? appChapter 405 Claudette's Diary appChapter 406 Find Him At All Costs appChapter 407 The News Will Shock the City appChapter 408 More Foolish Than a Pig appChapter 409 A Letter by Emmanuel appChapter 410 Blood Is Thicker Than Water appChapter 411 Change of Tune appChapter 412 Back to the Battlefield? appChapter 413 The Mentor's Trust appChapter 414 The Golden Card appChapter 415 Finding Emmanuel appChapter 416 She's Crazy appChapter 417 Troublesome Man appChapter 418 Search the Entire City appChapter 419 Fallen in Love appChapter 420 Muttering to Herself appChapter 421 Hearing Emmanuel's Voice appChapter 422 You're His Wife? appChapter 423 Unscrupulous Employer appChapter 424 Deserved To Be Paid appChapter 425 Humiliated appChapter 426 Mackenzie To The Rescue appChapter 427 A Gorgeous Yet Ruthless Beauty appChapter 428 Mariah's Territory appChapter 429 Reinforcements appChapter 430 The Young Lady of the Quillen Family appChapter 431 How Relationship Works appChapter 432 Reprimanded appChapter 433 Failed To Seek Revenge appChapter 434 Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder appChapter 435 Marriage Proposal appChapter 436 Repayment appChapter 437 Lukewarm Relationship appChapter 438 Doing House Chores appChapter 439 A Call From Felicity appChapter 440 Felicity Wants to Visit appChapter 441 Jaxton Pushed Mom appChapter 442 I Might Just Gouge Your Eyes Out appChapter 443 Kiss appChapter 444 I Won't Spare You appChapter 445 End up Humiliating Yourself appChapter 446 Fired appChapter 447 Ridicules appChapter 448 A ‘Grand’ Welcome appChapter 449 A Life for a Life appChapter 450 Enemies appChapter 451 Authenticity appChapter 452 The Wonder in the Market appChapter 453 A Surprise Guest appChapter 454 A Harmonious Dinner appChapter 455 Don't Get Too Close To Sarah appChapter 456 The Longine Bank appChapter 457 The Culture Of Longine Bank appChapter 458 The Longine VIP Card appChapter 459 The VIP Client appChapter 460 Looking for Eve appChapter 461 The Meeting With Tobias appChapter 462 Who Do You Think You Are appChapter 463 Why Are You Still Alive? appChapter 464 Welcoming Committee appChapter 465 Eve's Esteemed Guest appChapter 466 Failed Attempt at Seduction appChapter 467 We May Need Mackenzie's Help appChapter 468 Time Is on Our Side appChapter 469 Interested in Chatting With Her appChapter 470 Another Friend Request From Sarah appChapter 471 Meeting Up With Tobias appChapter 472 Emmanuel Had to Leave appChapter 473 Having a Candlelight Dinner appChapter 474 Tobias' Plan Worked appChapter 475 Emmanuel Against Felix appChapter 476 Emmanuel Arrives appChapter 477 Emmanuel Was Challenged by Tobias appChapter 478 Leaving the Villa in One Piece appChapter 479 He Has Got Some Explaining to Do appChapter 480 Escalating Tensions appChapter 481 The Wrath of Adolph appChapter 482 Sarah's Unexpected Arrival appChapter 483 An Awkward Dilemma appChapter 484 A Surprising Gratitude appChapter 485 The Lenoir Family's Provocation appChapter 486 Facing off Against the Lenoir Family appChapter 487 A Legitimate Pretext to Kill appChapter 488 Pity appChapter 489 Reverse Grip appChapter 490 Claudette Took After Her Mother appChapter 491 Bring Glory to the Lenoir Family appChapter 492 Intense Battle appChapter 493 You'll Believe Her, Right? appChapter 494 Ghost Doctor appChapter 495 A Pair of Visitors appChapter 496 Mr Lowe Has to Play Host to His Sister-In-Law appChapter 497 Don't Let Her Into Our House appChapter 498 What? You Want to Save Claudette? appChapter 499 Going Back to the Quillen Residence appChapter 500 I Can Never Compare With Her appChapter 501 Felicity's Test appChapter 502 Felicity's Game appChapter 503 Emmanuel's Decision appChapter 504 One Month appChapter 505 No Introductions Tonight appChapter 506 Samantha Doesn't Hold Back appChapter 507 Felicity Lets It All Out appChapter 508 What Did I Do That’s So Wrong? appChapter 509 Out for Vengeance appChapter 510 Blockhead's Parents appChapter 511 Unfairness of the World appChapter 512 Throwing the First Punch appChapter 513 The Village Bully appChapter 514 Too Late appChapter 515 More Bullies appChapter 516 Rotten Children appChapter 517 An Angel Arrived appChapter 518 The Apple Didn't Fall Far From the Tree appChapter 519 Sleazy Men appChapter 520 A Different Side of Sarah appChapter 521 Dumbfounded appChapter 522 Useless Threat appChapter 523 Overwhelming Disadvantage appChapter 524 The Cavalry appChapter 525 Confrontation appChapter 526 The Fight Begins appChapter 527 The Battle's Over appChapter 528 A Calm Moment appChapter 529 In the Final Moments appChapter 530 Secret Revealed appChapter 531 Clues appChapter 532 Into the Woods appChapter 533 Sarah's Fall appChapter 534 Up the Mountains appChapter 535 Close Contact appChapter 536 Poisoned appChapter 537 Clearing the Venom appChapter 538 Dicky Dickies appChapter 539 Saved appChapter 540 Arrogance Leaking appChapter 541 Negotiation appChapter 542 Chased Away appChapter 543 Research appChapter 544 Evidence Sent appChapter 545 To Calm Down appChapter 546 Roselynn's Cold Shoulder appChapter 547 Assurance appChapter 548 The Unger Men appChapter 549 A Series of Blunders appChapter 550 I Have Faith in Him appChapter 551 All Kinds of Doctors appChapter 552 I Can Save Her appChapter 553 I'll Help You appChapter 554 The Distracted Assistant appChapter 555 A Miracle appChapter 556 Doubts Abound appChapter 557 Because of Her, Not You appChapter 558 Felicity's Claims appChapter 559 Good News appChapter 560 Terence's Refusal appChapter 561 Unreconciled Feelings appChapter 562 Seducing Emmanuel appChapter 563 A Fight Between Two Women appChapter 564 Leaving Quillen Residence appChapter 565 Unexpected Call appChapter 566 I Can Help You appChapter 567 Troubled By Love appChapter 568 Too Cheesy appChapter 569 Mixed Feelings appChapter 570 Prepare A Feast appChapter 571 Appease His Mother appChapter 572 Regrets appChapter 573 Filming During the New Year appChapter 574 She Actually Wanted Emmanuel appChapter 575 The Wedding Invitation appChapter 576 Don't Go Overboard appChapter 577 Moments Prior to the Banquet appChapter 578 Unrequited Love appChapter 579 Public Announcement appChapter 580 First Love appChapter 581 The King Of The Nightlife appChapter 582 Ten Bottles appChapter 583 To Your Happiness appChapter 584 Mackenzie's Virginity appChapter 585 Harm Set, Harm Get appChapter 586 Emmanuel's Meeting With Quillen Family appChapter 587 Curiosity Killed the Cat appChapter 588 Quintus' Appearance appChapter 589 Quintus' Real Motive appChapter 590 Don't Seriously Fall in Love With Him appChapter 591 Shut Up, All of You appChapter 592 I Must Kill Emmanuel With My Own Hands appChapter 593 Magnus Is Here Again appChapter 594 Is This Your Third Move appChapter 595 Do You Think I Won't Kill You? appChapter 596 Most Valuable Thing in the Quillen Family appChapter 597 Magnus the Genius appChapter 598 I'm Waiting for You to Wake Up, My Princess appChapter 599 The Truth Behind Claudette's Condition appChapter 600 Mortal Enemies appChapter 601 Someone Doesn't Want Claudette to Wake Up appChapter 602 I Have a Way to Wake Her appChapter 603 Returning to the Village appChapter 604 Hero's Village appChapter 605 A Familiar Face appChapter 606 A Humorous Homecoming appChapter 607 A PowerPoint Presentation appChapter 608 Unexpected Encounters appChapter 609 A Show-Off's Arrival appChapter 610 The Perfect Wife appChapter 611 To Hero's Village appChapter 612 Mackenzie's Arrival appChapter 613 It Was All an Act appChapter 614 Mackenzie's Gift appChapter 615 Mackenzie Was Jealous appChapter 616 The Old Godfather appChapter 617 Longtime Childhood Friend appChapter 618 You're Finally Back appChapter 619 Who Is She? appChapter 620 The Unconventional Young Girl appChapter 621 Don't Be Mad appChapter 622 Let Nature Take Its Course appChapter 623 How He Envied Them appChapter 624 A Favor appChapter 625 Lewd Thoughts appChapter 626 Peeping Tom appChapter 627 Misunderstanding appChapter 628 Do You Know Where Mackenzie Is? appChapter 629 Love Over Master appChapter 630 Snake Master appChapter 631 Return of the Assassin in Red appChapter 632 Kiss Me appChapter 633 Long Dead appChapter 634 Have Faith in Your Husband appChapter 635 A Sea of Snakes appChapter 636 What Sort of Monster Is He Facing? appChapter 637 Who Hired You? appChapter 638 Assassin Siblings appChapter 639 The Snake Slave appChapter 640 Hurt Herself the Next Time She's Angry appChapter 641 Scared of His Wife appChapter 642 I Have a Favor to Ask appChapter 643 Film a Video appChapter 644 Be My Pretend Boyfriend appChapter 645 Blind Date appChapter 646 The Unger Family appChapter 647 Pay Him and Tell Him to Leave appChapter 648 A Snobbish Family appChapter 649 Wyatt Unger appChapter 650 Give Herself appChapter 651 Emmanuel or Ryder appChapter 652 Reek of Love appChapter 653 Laura's Note appChapter 654 Rescue Claudette appChapter 655 The Lenoir Family Guards vs the Wolf Warrior Society appChapter 656 Quintus Arrives appChapter 657 A Familiar Face appChapter 658 Colonel Blue Shadow appChapter 659 Magnus Appears appChapter 660 My Princess Can Only Be Mine appChapter 661 I'm Not Going to Leave You Behind appChapter 662 Don't Do That appChapter 663 Sacrificing Herself to Save Him appChapter 664 I'm a Wolf Warrior appChapter 665 Is Death the End of Love? appChapter 666 Is He Aiming for Something Bigger? appChapter 667 Aggrieved appChapter 668 Looking for a New Wife appChapter 669 No Longer Loving the Man appChapter 670 Is My Dad Out of His Mind? appChapter 671 Mocking the Lowe Family appChapter 672 Emmanuel's 18th Date appChapter 673 Meeting Ruby appChapter 674 Good Enough for the Woman appChapter 675 Mackenzie's Arrival appChapter 676 Revenge appChapter 677 Good Show appChapter 678 You Have to Stand Up for Me appChapter 679 Apologize appChapter 680 Probing appChapter 681 Throw Her Out appChapter 682 Collaboration appChapter 683 Argument appChapter 684 A Deplorable Man appChapter 685 Ringing a Bell appChapter 686 Dumbfounded appChapter 687 How Are They Going to Carry On With the Wedding? appChapter 688 Arresting Emmanuel appChapter 689 A Worried Terence appChapter 690 A Long Way to Go appChapter 691 Stop Spouting Nonsense appChapter 692 Talented in Martial Arts appChapter 693 Interrogation appChapter 694 Sage Payne appChapter 695 I See appChapter 696 Don't You Remember Me? appChapter 697 Are You Trying to Die? appChapter 698 Inches Away From Death appChapter 699 Hello appChapter 700 Apologize! appChapter 701 You Owe Me an Explanation appChapter 702 Claudette Might Not Have Fallen appChapter 703 Blake Dotson appChapter 704 Blind Dates appChapter 705 Mission: Sabotage the Blind Date appChapter 706 Rhea's Cooking appChapter 707 It's Him?! appChapter 708 An Unforgettable Dinner (1) appChapter 709 An Unforgettable Dinner (2) appChapter 710 Serenity Resort appChapter 711 Suite 888 appChapter 712 True Masculine Dominance appChapter 713 Poison the Restaurant appChapter 714 Don't Touch Him; You'll Be Poisoned Too! appChapter 715 He's a True Deity appChapter 716 Treating Patients in Private appChapter 717 The Hotheaded Ashton appChapter 718 Ten Million to Save You appChapter 719 Challenge Her Patience appChapter 720 Tia's Dilemma appChapter 721 The Icy Goddess appChapter 722 Save My Brother appChapter 723 Rescue Mission appChapter 724 Saving the Snake Master appChapter 725 Between Trust and Caution appChapter 726 Playful Teasing appChapter 727 Beatrix's Astonishment appChapter 728 You Fool! appChapter 729 Mackenzie Is Bleeding appChapter 730 Who Hired You to Kill Mackenzie? appChapter 731 He Must Have Saved the World appChapter 732 A Celebration Banquet appChapter 733 Unwavering Convictions appChapter 734 Expectations From the Women appChapter 735 Refusing the Offer appChapter 736 An Encounter With Felicity appChapter 737 Skilled Thieves appChapter 738 Sneaking in the Dark appChapter 739 Intense Confrontation appChapter 740 Entrusting Responsibilities appChapter 741 The Smart Magnus appChapter 742 Emmanuel's Exclusive Love Advisor appChapter 743 Abellyn's Imploration appChapter 744 The Cruel Truth appChapter 745 A Double Date appChapter 746 Not Romantic at All appChapter 747 Unease appChapter 748 Meeting Dustin Palmer appChapter 749 Going to the Amusement Park With Jaxton appChapter 750 Unforeseen Encounters and Complicated Emotions appChapter 751 Complex Relationships appChapter 752 A Competition of Reputation appChapter 753 Ferris Wheel Happiness appChapter 754 A Sinister Scheme Unfolds appChapter 755 Unveiling Fears on the Ferris Wheel appChapter 756 The Ferris Wheel Is Collapsing appChapter 757 Successful Landing appChapter 758 Crushed by the Ferris Wheel appChapter 759 The Arrival of Ashton appChapter 760 Little Reunion appChapter 761 Emmanuel's Theory appChapter 762 Ashton's Race Against Time appChapter 763 My Dad Isn't Ugly appChapter 764 Battle of Words appChapter 765 A Lesson in the Making appChapter 766 A Mischievous Scheme appChapter 767 Where Is Our Son appChapter 768 Collaborating With the Oatleys appChapter 769 Bad Feeling appChapter 770 Harming His Own Son appChapter 771 He's Really Something appChapter 772 The Trouble Is Getting Bigger appChapter 773 Ruby Wants to Talk appChapter 774 She Will Do It appChapter 775 Are You Dating Someone? appChapter 776 Tia's Arrival appChapter 777 Expose Her appChapter 778 The Angle Is Just Right appChapter 779 The Conniving Woman's Tricks appChapter 780 Pick Up the Wifey! appChapter 781 Wash Her What?! appChapter 782 Yes, I Want To Help You Shower! appChapter 783 The Oatleys' Sudden Visit appChapter 784 Mackenzie Shows Up appChapter 785 Visit Home appChapter 786 Helping Mackenzie appChapter 787 The Oatleys vs The Quillens vs The Lowes appChapter 788 Returning to the Oatley Family appChapter 789 Roselynn's Three Conditions appChapter 790 Hitch a Ride With Terence Group appChapter 791 Terence Group's Black Card appChapter 792 Inviting Tia to Dinner appChapter 793 Marianne Meets Ryder appChapter 794 Kellen's Heavenly Feast appChapter 795 Inviting the Sheppard Sisters to Dinner appChapter 796 The Divine Pantheon Suite appChapter 797 The Outrageous Order appChapter 798 The Jaw-Dropping Bill appChapter 799 This Card Cannot Be Processed appChapter 800 Turn of Events appChapter 801 Ugly and Bad-Tempered appChapter 802 Blake's Sex Life appChapter 803 Feeling Guilty About Using the Card appChapter 804 Taking Snake Master to Wolf Warrior Society appChapter 805 Trouble at the Wolf Warrior Society appChapter 806 One-On-One Combat appChapter 807 Snake Master in Action appChapter 808 The Hellfire Club appChapter 809 Starting a Business appChapter 810 The Oatley Family's Dinner appChapter 811 The Oatleys and Their Family Traditions appChapter 812 Jennifer's Dirty Means appChapter 813 Saving Roselynn appChapter 814 Barging Into Roselynn's Room appChapter 815 Enraged Jaxton appChapter 816 Jaxton's Tragedy appChapter 817 Emmanuel to the Rescue appChapter 818 Roselynn's Fate appChapter 819 Foolish Woman appChapter 820 Create a Replacement appChapter 821 Calling Felicity appChapter 822 Meeting With Magnus appChapter 823 Magnus' Task for Felicity appChapter 824 Before Going to the Quillen Residence appChapter 825 Arriving at Quillen Residence appChapter 826 Terence's Misunderstanding and Emmanuel's Stress appChapter 827 Mackenzie's Heartfelt Conversation With Felicity appChapter 828 She's Not Walking Out of That Door appChapter 829 Internal Strife appChapter 830 Emmanuel Proves Himself appChapter 831 End on a Sour Note appChapter 832 Magnus' Charity Stunt appChapter 833 Can You Also Help My Brother? appChapter 834 The Shrewd Veteran appChapter 835 Sebastian's Hesitation appChapter 836 Sebastian's Demise appChapter 837 The Traffic Accident at Outer Ring Road 3 appChapter 838 Becoming Hysterical appChapter 839 Suspected of Being Involved in a Murder Case appChapter 840 Ashton's Attitude appChapter 841 Emmanuel's Experiment appChapter 842 Consoling Alessandra appChapter 843 Ruby Shows Up appChapter 844 Seeing Ruby's True Colors appChapter 845 A Mole in Terence Group appChapter 846 Validating the Truth With Samuel appChapter 847 The Shareholders' Meeting appChapter 848 The Blue Father and Son appChapter 849 Guilty as Charged appChapter 850 Oscar's Game appChapter 851 A Bold Promise and a Drastic Move appChapter 852 The Quillen Family's Verdict appChapter 853 A Different Way of Expressing Her Belief appChapter 854 Recognition appChapter 855 Cross My Fingers appChapter 856 Trust Me Just This Once appChapter 857 Emmanuel's Quest for Nathan Chapman appChapter 858 Emmanuel's Assurance appChapter 859 Persuade Julian to a Blind Date appChapter 860 The Guilty Dog Barks the Loudest appChapter 861 VIP Cardholder of Longine Bank appChapter 862 Surprises at the Airport appChapter 863 Shadows in Paradise appChapter 864 Stranded on the Beach appChapter 865 The Impotence Rumor of the War God appChapter 866 'Wardrobe Malfunction' appChapter 867 Nathan's Respected Master appChapter 868 Asking For Nathan's Help appChapter 869 The Unexpected Encounter appChapter 870 Unexpected Confrontation appChapter 871 Clash of Worlds appChapter 872 The Power of the Golden Card appChapter 873 Emily and Her Dramatic Family appChapter 874 Murderer appChapter 875 Pursuit appChapter 876 A Hero Saving a Damsel in Distress appChapter 877 The Wolf Warrior appChapter 878 The Dragonweave Bargain appChapter 879 A Battle for Extraction Technology appChapter 880 Duncan Von appChapter 881 Running Into Ashton appChapter 882 Ashton Sought Emmanuel Out appChapter 883 They're About To Meet appChapter 884 Nathan's Awkward Discovery appChapter 885 Unexpected Alliances appChapter 886 Great Beauty From Yeringham appChapter 887 Great Hero appChapter 888 Gunfight appChapter 889 Masked Escape appChapter 890 A Desperate Dive appChapter 891 It's Only My Imagination! appChapter 892 Surrender! appChapter 893 The Northern Region Wolf Makes a Comeback appChapter 894 Is She the Snake Master's Sister? appChapter 895 Let Xylie Decide appChapter 896 You Can't Go Back on Your Word appChapter 897 Head Back to Yeringham appChapter 898 The Tattoo on Her Neck appChapter 899 Blake and Magnus Has Left Yeringham appChapter 900 Terence Group's Demise appChapter 901 Have Faith in Her appChapter 902 Extend an Olive Branch appChapter 903 Chaos at the Event appChapter 904 Eddie "The Collector" Carmine appChapter 905 The Man in Yeternia appChapter 906 The Wolf Warrior's Fangs appChapter 907 Emmanuel's Blind Confidence appChapter 908 The Rise and Fall of Terence Group appChapter 909 It's Still Not Over Yet appChapter 910 Swallow the Debt Note appChapter 911 He's Not the Only One appChapter 912 He Is Absolutely Trustworthy appChapter 913 I Am Your Wife appChapter 914 She Hopes It's Emmanuel appChapter 915 To Entertain a Ridiculous Thought appChapter 916 What if the Wolf Warrior Reappears? appChapter 917 A Blind Date for Roselynn appChapter 918 How Much Does It Take? appChapter 919 If You Know Love appChapter 920 Hannah's Condition appChapter 921 Hannah's Plan appChapter 922 Rendezvous at Luxoria Hotel appChapter 923 Rhea's Mischievous Side Resurfaces appChapter 924 The Hours Before the Rendezvous appChapter 925 Hannah and Rhea's Plans appChapter 926 A Pig Can Cook Better Than Her appChapter 927 The Revelation appChapter 928 Hannah's Critical Condition appChapter 929 Hannah Cured appChapter 930 You Brace for It appChapter 931 Mackenzie's Unexpected Revelation appChapter 932 Unexpected Encounters at the Mall appChapter 933 Unveiling Old Wounds appChapter 934 Competition appChapter 935 Shopping Spree appChapter 936 What A Generous Customer! appChapter 937 Hannah Expressed Her Gratitude appChapter 938 Roselynn Is Being Judged appChapter 939 Old Grudges appChapter 940 A Brewing Crisis appChapter 941 A Genuine Apology appChapter 942 A Blind Date Surprise appChapter 943 The Weighty Surprise appChapter 944 Bloodstained Alliances appChapter 945 The Blind Date Mystery appChapter 946 A Bad Person appChapter 947 Extraordinary Woman appChapter 948 Called in Extra Help appChapter 949 Avery Rose appChapter 950 Make Someone Do Your Dirty Work appChapter 951 Miracle Water appChapter 952 Terence's Plan appChapter 953 Shane's Appearance appChapter 954 Shane's Secret Ability appChapter 955 No One Can Eat Wood appChapter 956 Flightstones Gang appChapter 957 Apologize? appChapter 958 Mushroom appChapter 959 Failed Escape appChapter 960 Questioning appChapter 961 Weird Names appChapter 962 Magnus the Genius appChapter 963 Templar Valor appChapter 964 Alfwhit's Bruised Ego appChapter 965 The Annoying Dog appChapter 966 Wild Imaginations appChapter 967 Do You Know Alton? appChapter 968 Different Treatment appChapter 969 I Want To Invest In The Town appChapter 970 Set The Bait appChapter 971 Greed appChapter 972 Human? appChapter 973 Exaggeration appChapter 974 Arrogant appChapter 975 Lost appChapter 976 Disappointing appChapter 977 A Gathering Of Figures appChapter 978 A Serendipitous Meeting In Anchortown appChapter 979 Unbound And Unshackled appChapter 980 A Drunken Encounter appChapter 981 Late-night Confessions appChapter 982 A Reckless Ride Home appChapter 983 Late-night Snacks And Unexpected Guests appChapter 984 Terence's Hometown Adventure appChapter 985 Worth appChapter 986 Envy appChapter 987 Heir appChapter 988 Traitor appChapter 989 Deals appChapter 990 With Chaos Comes Opportunity appChapter 991 The True Templar Palm appChapter 992 I'm Not Your Little Sister appChapter 993 Taking The Bullet For Him appChapter 994 Dilemma appChapter 995 Ungrateful Businessman appChapter 996 Invest In The Mine appChapter 997 His Friend appChapter 998 Who Gave Him The Authority appChapter 999 Slap In The Face appChapter 1000 Meeting His Demise appChapter 1001 Gravediggers appChapter 1002 Heart Of The Sun appChapter 1003 Empty appChapter 1004 Doomed appChapter 1005 Confidence appChapter 1006 Disaster appChapter 1007 Fear appChapter 1008 Real Men appChapter 1009 Death Anniversary appChapter 1010 I Like You appChapter 1011 Templar Invocation appChapter 1012 Visit To The Tomb appChapter 1013 Magnus' Confidence appChapter 1014 Emmanuel's Confrontation With Magnus appChapter 1015 The Last Stand appChapter 1016 Poisoned appChapter 1017 Sacrificing Herself For Magnus appChapter 1018 Treating a Promise as a Joke appChapter 1019 He Will Remember Me, Won't He? appChapter 1020 Backup Plan appChapter 1021 The Battle at Nightfall appChapter 1022 Battlefield Showdown appChapter 1023 Serpents, Palms, and Guns appChapter 1024 Ashton, Join Me! appChapter 1025 Escape Under the Cover of Night appChapter 1026 Good News appChapter 1027 Take Me Out of Anchortown appChapter 1028 Marilyn's Intention appChapter 1029 Attending the Funeral appChapter 1030 The Cause of Death appChapter 1031 Demanding More Money appChapter 1032 Remembering the Promise appChapter 1033 New Girlfriend appChapter 1034 Internet Celebrities and Deception appChapter 1035 Cuckolded appChapter 1036 Ignorant appChapter 1037 My Company appChapter 1038 Where Is Your Resume appChapter 1039 Join the Marketing Department appChapter 1040 Do You Know Emmanuel appChapter 1041 Paradise on Earth appChapter 1042 Ruby Is Still With Ryder appChapter 1043 Expedite the Process appChapter 1044 The One He Loves Is Tia appChapter 1045 Where Is Ms Franks appChapter 1046 Revealing Her True Colors appChapter 1047 Who Are You, Miss? appChapter 1048 So Who the Hell Is Emmanuel appChapter 1049 Work at Terence Group appChapter 1050 Parental Love Is Selfless appChapter 1051 Hattie Zelinsky appChapter 1052 Iron Mask appChapter 1053 Disgusting appChapter 1054 Hubert Verkade appChapter 1055 God? appChapter 1056 Grow Up appChapter 1057 Frustrated appChapter 1058 Never appChapter 1059 Hestia appChapter 1060 Worth appChapter 1061 Simp appChapter 1062 Blind Date appChapter 1063 Confusion appChapter 1064 Figuring Out Each Other's Identities appChapter 1065 Let's Talk appChapter 1066 The Discussion About Marriage appChapter 1067 Asking For Money appChapter 1068 Rumor appChapter 1069 The Ups And Downs In Life appChapter 1070 Unexpected Encounter appChapter 1071 Resuming Work appChapter 1072 Objections At The Banquet appChapter 1073 I Wish You Had Killed Him appChapter 1074 Begging To See Old Mr Quillen appChapter 1075 Driven Out Of The Quillen Residence appChapter 1076 Flashback appChapter 1077 Personal Maid appChapter 1078 Commotion At Cloudscape Mall appChapter 1079 Overshadowed appChapter 1080 Being Held Up appChapter 1081 The Try On Session appChapter 1082 Amazed appChapter 1083 Starting To Enjoy The Marriage appChapter 1084 The Quillen Family's Inheritance appChapter 1085 A Woman's Vulnerability appChapter 1086 Something Was Amiss appChapter 1087 The Quillen Family's Row appChapter 1088 Overthrow The Quillen Family appChapter 1089 With Age Comes Wisdom appChapter 1090 Confession appChapter 1091 Heart Pounding appChapter 1092 Fool appChapter 1093 How Did You Sleep? appChapter 1094 Who's Going To Go? appChapter 1095 Persuading Roselynn appChapter 1096 Matchmaker appChapter 1097 False Accusations appChapter 1098 Dances And Discussions appChapter 1099 Slander appChapter 1100 The Couple's Scheme appChapter 1101 Justice For Roselynn appChapter 1102 Perfect Match appChapter 1103 Fallen appChapter 1104 Misunderstanding appChapter 1105 Delusional appChapter 1106 Spare Magnus appChapter 1107 Hattie's Illness appChapter 1108 Punishment appChapter 1109 Hannah's Departure appChapter 1110 Derrick Finch appChapter 1111 The Paradise appChapter 1112 Goddess appChapter 1113 Nathan Chapman appChapter 1114 Blaze Silverbane appChapter 1115 Miss Fairy appChapter 1116 Vying For Attention appChapter 1117 Felicia appChapter 1118 Criticisms appChapter 1119 Invitation appChapter 1120 Nathan Is Spared appChapter 1121 A Deal appChapter 1122 Stalling appChapter 1123 Illusion appChapter 1124 Questions appChapter 1125 Escape appChapter 1126 Anything For A Beautiful Woman appChapter 1127 Rumors appChapter 1128 Troublemaker appChapter 1129 He's Indeed Connected To Magnus! appChapter 1130 How Can This Happen? appChapter 1131 He Will Continue To Bother Him appChapter 1132 No Pleasant Experience appChapter 1133 Don't Burn Bridges After Crossing The River appChapter 1134 An Alliance appChapter 1135 Would You Get Jealous? appChapter 1136 Bring Out The Heart Of The Sun appChapter 1137 A Decision Supported By The Quillen Family appChapter 1138 Delusional appChapter 1139 Bragging appChapter 1140 Condition appChapter 1141 Gautier's Plan appChapter 1142 Child's Play appChapter 1143 I Trust You appChapter 1144 Ryder Is Also My Cousin appChapter 1145 Explosion appChapter 1146 You Must Not Enter appChapter 1147 Men's And Women's Aesthetic Preferences appChapter 1148 appChapter 1149 Shooting Way Above His League appChapter 1150 Seeing Abellyn Again appChapter 1151 A Long Way To Go appChapter 1152 You Can't Afford It Even If You Sell Your Kidneys appChapter 1153 Don't Waste Time appChapter 1154 Let's See Who Gets The Last Laugh appChapter 1155 Let's Put It Under My Goddess' Name appChapter 1156 I Won't Let Them Be Together appChapter 1157 A Confession Of Love appChapter 1158 A Wake-up Call appChapter 1159 It's All For His Own Good appChapter 1160 A Genius In A Certain Field appChapter 1161 I Am Mr Verkade's Girlfriend appChapter 1162 The Nature Of The Situation Has Changed appChapter 1163 The Future Backbone Of The Quillen Family appChapter 1164 Miracles Will Be Born appChapter 1165 Can I Try? appChapter 1166 There Are Two Sun Stones appChapter 1167 Your Heart Has Always Been With the Lenoir Family appChapter 1168 Don't Apply Common People's Norms to the Aristocracy! appChapter 1169 An Unfavorable Plot Against the Quillens appChapter 1170 Dustin Palmer Has Been Killed appChapter 1171 Don't Be Too Confrontational appChapter 1172 The Identities of the Two Women appChapter 1173 Passed Out From Anger appChapter 1174 I've Got You Covered appChapter 1175 Flabbergasted appChapter 1176 No Time To Teach Her appChapter 1177 Do I Need Protection? appChapter 1178 Is She Interested in Emmanuel or Not? appChapter 1179 Can You Drive Yourself? appChapter 1180 What to Do? appChapter 1181 What She Eats to Grow Like That appChapter 1182 He Can't Explain Himself appChapter 1183 I Must Go In appChapter 1184 Blow up the Bridge appChapter 1185 Solve the Situation Herself appChapter 1186 Their Savior Has Arrived appChapter 1187 The Lowe Family's Motto appChapter 1188 Trisha Cerulean appChapter 1189 The Woman in White appChapter 1190 Turn and Run appChapter 1191 A Peculiar Farm appChapter 1192 Willow appChapter 1193 Snatch the Heart of the Sun appChapter 1194 Can't Even Compare to Him appChapter 1195 Hands off My Wife appChapter 1196 The Big Showdown Is Coming appChapter 1197 What Are You Trying To Do? appChapter 1198 All Male appChapter 1199 Thanks for Saving My Wife appChapter 1200 I Trust You appChapter 1201 What Sort of Man Did I Marry? appChapter 1202 The Detail appChapter 1203 No One Around appChapter 1204 We Can Resolve It Legally appChapter 1205 Emmanuel Is Mine appChapter 1206 They Can Easily Win Against Emmanuel appChapter 1207 It Can Only Mean One Thing appChapter 1208 Will I Die Trying? appChapter 1209 Despicable appChapter 1210 Half Sincere and Half Feigned appChapter 1211 To Be or Not to Be appChapter 1212 I Trust Him appChapter 1213 Turn of Events appChapter 1214 Dragon-breaking Palm appChapter 1215 Snake Master's Vengeful Retribution appChapter 1216 Let's Make A Deal appChapter 1217 His Basic Maneuver appChapter 1218 Time To Wake Up appChapter 1219 You're Bothering Us appChapter 1220 I'll Avenge You, Magnus appChapter 1221 Embarrassing appChapter 1222 Mackenzie's Growing Suspicion appChapter 1223 Getting The Wedding Done appChapter 1224 Smarter Methods appChapter 1225 Love Can't Be Forced appChapter 1226 Diamond Titan Military Technologies appChapter 1227 A Decent Job appChapter 1228 A Way Of Thanking You appChapter 1229 A Seemingly Generous Offer appChapter 1230 Lacking In Foresight appChapter 1231 His Deteriorating Self-control appChapter 1232 The Creme De La Creme appChapter 1233 You'll Find Out When The Time Comes appChapter 1234 Troublesome appChapter 1235 Impress appChapter 1236 Wolf Warrior appChapter 1237 Master appChapter 1238 Cooperation appChapter 1239 50 Billion appChapter 1240 The Unwritten Rule appChapter 1241 Innocence's Dilemma appChapter 1242 Unexpected Negotiations appChapter 1243 Deal Or Dilemma appChapter 1244 The Perceived Perversion appChapter 1245 A Contractual Twist appChapter 1246 The Chamber Of Commerce appChapter 1247 Invitation appChapter 1248 No Turning Back appChapter 1249 Dinner appChapter 1250 Deeper Motive appChapter 1251 Taking A Bullet appChapter 1252 Emmanuel's Analysis appChapter 1253 Wedding Procession appChapter 1254 Jacking Up The Price appChapter 1255 True Intentions appChapter 1256 Accepting The Proposal appChapter 1257 Shameless appChapter 1258 The Unexpected Ending appChapter 1259 Unethical And Unprincipled Questions appChapter 1260 Chaos At The News Hall appChapter 1261 Unveiling Chaos appChapter 1262 The Sway Of Love And Business appChapter 1263 A Sweet Trap Unveiled appChapter 1264 Let Go of My Wife appChapter 1265 Exclusive Scoop appChapter 1266 Cunning appChapter 1267 Awe appChapter 1268 Dowry appChapter 1269 Greed appChapter 1270 Nothing More Than a Lapdog appChapter 1271 Expanding the Influence of the Quillen Family appChapter 1272 A Defined Identity appChapter 1273 Heated Argument appChapter 1274 Misunderstanding appChapter 1275 Discussing the Agreement appChapter 1276 Kissing Beatrix appChapter 1277 Entrusting Responsibilities appChapter 1278 Facing the Challenge Head-on appChapter 1279 Taking Tommy Out to Play appChapter 1280 Grocery Shopping appChapter 1281 Mackenzie's Appearance appChapter 1282 The Deadly Duo appChapter 1283 Kidnapped appChapter 1284 Hattie's Intention appChapter 1285 The Fake Mackenzie appChapter 1286 A Chance to Escape appChapter 1287 Loyalty in the Face of Danger appChapter 1288 Admiration appChapter 1289 Two Choices appChapter 1290 Unexpected Encounters appChapter 1291 Confronting the Past appChapter 1292 A Risky Revelation appChapter 1293 Frantic Pursuit appChapter 1294 Wedding Disrupted appChapter 1295 Clash of Intentions appChapter 1296 Unforeseen Objections appChapter 1297 Deadly Coordination appChapter 1298 Demise appChapter 1299 Deceitful Wedding appChapter 1300 Evidence appChapter 1301 Rescue appChapter 1302 Stone's Fear appChapter 1303 The Recording appChapter 1304 Admit Defeat appChapter 1305 I Won't Sue You appChapter 1306 The Three Gods and Seven Saints appChapter 1307 Come to Surrender appChapter 1308 Acquisition of the Shares appChapter 1309 Confession appChapter 1310 The Truth appChapter 1311 Reborn Like a Phoenix appChapter 1312 Love Letter appChapter 1313 Misunderstanding appChapter 1314 Tele-conversation appChapter 1315 Studying the Nuthana Grand Martial Showdown appChapter 1316 Grand Martial Showdown appChapter 1317 The Man in Purple appChapter 1318 Encountering Mackenzie appChapter 1319 Reminiscing the Past appChapter 1320 Mackenzie's Questions appChapter 1321 Inviting Their Girlfriend Out appChapter 1322 Highly Unlikely appChapter 1323 Shattered Worldview appChapter 1324 Ava appChapter 1325 Julian's Genuine Affection for Roselynn appChapter 1326 Peculiar Change appChapter 1327 A Noble Family's Struggle appChapter 1328 Devising a Plan appChapter 1329 Ashton's Sudden Appearance appChapter 1330 Apprenticeship appChapter 1331 Training appChapter 1332 Love Tangles in Onza appChapter 1333 Business Negotiation appChapter 1334 Aidan Tanner appChapter 1335 Shane to the Rescue appChapter 1336 Protect Her appChapter 1337 Don't Give Them a Hard Time appChapter 1338 I'm Just Doing My Job appChapter 1339 Monitoring Her appChapter 1340 Offending the Tanners appChapter 1341 A Sense of Impending Doom appChapter 1342 You're the Pervert appChapter 1343 Encroaching His Territory appChapter 1344 It's Hard To Say appChapter 1345 I Don't Have a Weapon appChapter 1346 Devon Was Defeated appChapter 1347 It Was Emmanuel's Turn appChapter 1348 Yosef Helped a Stranger appChapter 1349 Forces Gathered Around Yosef's House appChapter 1350 Seeking Talents appChapter 1351 The Chosen One appChapter 1352 Setting Her Up appChapter 1353 Friend-Zoned appChapter 1354 Prince Charming to the Rescue appChapter 1355 You're a Coward appChapter 1356 A Trap appChapter 1357 Wolf Mask appChapter 1358 Attack appChapter 1359 Hero appChapter 1360 Southern Lannister appChapter 1361 I Pretend I Didn't Hear It appChapter 1362 Incompetence appChapter 1363 Provocation appChapter 1364 Ewan Bryne appChapter 1365 A Foul Plan appChapter 1366 The Torn Application appChapter 1367 Suspecting Emmanuel appChapter 1368 A Clown Show appChapter 1369 An Invitation to Dinner appChapter 1370 A Woman’s Grudge appChapter 1371 Dinner with the Silverbane Family appChapter 1372 The Tale of Teddy Tanner appChapter 1373 Hiding Something from Her appChapter 1374 The Dark Night Elf appChapter 1375 Destroy the Wolf Warrior Society appChapter 1376 The Man from Creuburg appChapter 1377 Failed Negotiation appChapter 1378 Vihaan Clay appChapter 1379 The Fight appChapter 1380 Real Boss of the Wolf Warriors appChapter 1381 Real Chanaean Martial Arts appChapter 1382 Police! appChapter 1383 Forced to Sell appChapter 1384 The Mastermind Behind the Hellfire Club appChapter 1385 Forced To Grovel With a Smile appChapter 1386 Elena's Identity appChapter 1387 Emmanuel's Explanation appChapter 1388 Relationship Expert appChapter 1389 He Won't Betray Mackenzie appChapter 1390 Photography appChapter 1391 We Meet Again appChapter 1392 Signing of Contract appChapter 1393 Making It In Time appChapter 1394 Legacy Stand appChapter 1395 Revelations: The Summerton Family Legacy appChapter 1396 Unveiling Hearts appChapter 1397 Beatrix's Perilous Rivalry appChapter 1398 Blind Date Gone Wrong appChapter 1399 Searching for Beatrix! appChapter 1400 Everything Gone Complicated appChapter 1401 Attack Enemy’s Domain appChapter 1402 Free-For-All Tournament Night appChapter 1403 The Grand Prize Woman appChapter 1404 I Will Get You Out of Here Safely appChapter 1405 Impostors appChapter 1406 Could He Be Wolf Warrior appChapter 1407 Invitation of Angela appChapter 1408 Plea for Help appChapter 1409 True Identity of The Wolf-faced Man appChapter 1410 Battle for Redemption appChapter 1411 Shane Was Defeated appChapter 1412 Who Is He? appChapter 1413 The Masked Man appChapter 1414 Masked Great Hero appChapter 1415 Are You A Good Person? appChapter 1416 Who Is That Handsome Masked Hero? appChapter 1417 Confess Identity appChapter 1418 Best to Bring Teddy Down First appChapter 1419 Mrs Lowe appChapter 1420 I Trust My Husband appChapter 1421 Mackenzie Was Hiding Something From Him appChapter 1422 Royal Blood Grass appChapter 1423 Hazel Tanner, Chase's Wife appChapter 1424 Actions Speak Louder Than Words appChapter 1425 Meet Emmanuel at All Cost appChapter 1426 What Did He See in Her? appChapter 1427 Shield appChapter 1428 Belittling Traditional Medicine appChapter 1429 Comparing Diagnostics Skills appChapter 1430 Three Health Issues appChapter 1431 The Banquet Hall appChapter 1432 Suspected Pregnancy appChapter 1433 Lack of Emotional Intelligence appChapter 1434 Not His Usual Self appChapter 1435 Presenting Gifts appChapter 1436 Where Are You From? appChapter 1437 Longevity Pill appChapter 1438 Sell It to Me appChapter 1439 The Effects of the Longevity Pill appChapter 1440 I Want Your Support appChapter 1441 Another Guest appChapter 1442 Threats appChapter 1443 He’s the Northern Region Wolf appChapter 1444 A Surprise Visit appChapter 1445 An Unexpected Travel Companion appChapter 1446 The Mercurial Nature of Humanity appChapter 1447 False Riches appChapter 1448 All Hat, No Cattle appChapter 1449 Wine Treat appChapter 1450 Just Act Like A Joker appChapter 1451 Real or Fake Noble Young Master appChapter 1452 A Hideous Man appChapter 1453 Temptations and Entanglements appChapter 1454 Clashing Loyalties and Hidden Agendas appChapter 1455 Men Were Clueless Oafs appChapter 1456 Mackenzie Was Pregnant appChapter 1457 Mackenzie Was Kidnapped appChapter 1458 The Battle for Mackenzie's Safety appChapter 1459 Mackenzie's Escape appChapter 1460 Please Save My Son! appChapter 1461 It's Really You! appChapter 1462 Period appChapter 1463 Emmanuel to the Rescue appChapter 1464 Unstoppable Emmanuel appChapter 1465 Yosef Got Worked Up appChapter 1466 Are You Declaring War on Us appChapter 1467 Well Said appChapter 1468 We Will Not Be Held Accountable appChapter 1469 Please Take Me as Your Apprentice appChapter 1470 Come Find Me appChapter 1471 Let Go of My Wife appChapter 1472 I Finally Found You appChapter 1473 Do You Truly Believe That appChapter 1474 She Changed Me appChapter 1475 What Have You Done appChapter 1476 Someone Died appChapter 1477 Priorities appChapter 1478 You Lack Killing Intent appChapter 1479 Ryder's Death appChapter 1480 Thank You, Mom appChapter 1481 Fallen for Him appChapter 1482 Confession appChapter 1483 It's Not a Bunny appChapter 1484 Congratulations! appChapter 1485 Cooper Byers appChapter 1486 Huge Gap appChapter 1487 Dirty Tactics appChapter 1488 I Don't Like Him appChapter 1489 Visiting the Summerton Residence appChapter 1490 Cousin appChapter 1491 Like a Cockroach appChapter 1492 Showing No Feelings appChapter 1493 The Medicine appChapter 1494 Why Is Love So Complicated appChapter 1495 You Two Are Nothing but Frauds appChapter 1496 A Hero Is Not Defined by His Origins appChapter 1497 Stark Contrast appChapter 1498 An Unexpected Aftermath appChapter 1499 A Fruit Cake Filled With Love appChapter 1500 I Never Imagined My First Love Would End appChapter 1501 The Nature of the Tanner Family appChapter 1502 The Unbeatable Fighter appChapter 1503 The Summerton Family's Embarrassment appChapter 1504 Nuthana King of the Ring appChapter 1505 The Real Wolf Warrior appChapter 1506 The Highlight of the Matches appChapter 1507 Surrender appChapter 1508 Making Excuses appChapter 1509 A Visit to Summerton Residence appChapter 1510 Slap in the Face appChapter 1511 You Must Win appChapter 1512 Take Over Everything from the Quillen Family appChapter 1513 Presidential Candidates appChapter 1514 Reservation appChapter 1515 Grand Ambitions appChapter 1516 You're Not Worthy of Being My Husband appChapter 1517 Cooperation appChapter 1518 A Fateful Encounter appChapter 1519 Family Dynamics Unveiled appChapter 1520 Choices and Complications appChapter 1521 Bonds and Burdens appChapter 1522 Secrets Revealed appChapter 1523 Tears and Tribulations appChapter 1524 Family Turmoil appChapter 1525 A Choice Made appChapter 1526 The President's Request appChapter 1527 Unexpected Guests appChapter 1528 Revelations and Reminders appChapter 1529 Rising Tides and Unforeseen Challenges appChapter 1530 Revelations and Responsibilities appChapter 1531 Hospital Intrigues appChapter 1532 Medical Showdown appChapter 1533 Unveiling the Mystery appChapter 1534 The Taste of Truth appChapter 1535 The Taste of Diagnosis appChapter 1536 Confrontation at the Factory appChapter 1537 Unraveling the Plot appChapter 1538 Machinations Unveiled appChapter 1539 Machiavellian Machinations appChapter 1540 Desperate Measures appChapter 1541 A Beacon of Hope appChapter 1542 Igniting Hope appChapter 1543 Unveiling Truths appChapter 1544 Confronting the Media appChapter 1545 The Outburst appChapter 1546 The Clash appChapter 1547 The Siege appChapter 1548 Legal Maneuvers appChapter 1549 Unveiling Deception appChapter 1550 Truth Unveiled appChapter 1551 Revelations and Reckoning appChapter 1552 The Grand Martial Showdown appChapter 1553 Unexpected Allies appChapter 1554 Unforeseen Circumstances appChapter 1555 The Escape appChapter 1556 The Awakening of Yosef appChapter 1557 The Unexpected Entry appChapter 1558 Clash of Egos appChapter 1559 The Champion's Return appChapter 1560 The Grand Martial Showdown Begins appChapter 1561 High Stakes appChapter 1562 Unforeseen Twists appChapter 1563 The Unexpected Challenger appChapter 1564 Swift Defeat appChapter 1565 The Eshal Silverbane Family Appears appChapter 1566 Winner Gets the Contract appChapter 1567 How She Envied Mackenzie appChapter 1568 Distracting Teddy appChapter 1569 The Wolf Warrior Imposter appChapter 1570 Please Don't Hit Me appChapter 1571 Flattened With A Sneeze appChapter 1572 Clash Of The S- Level Masters appChapter 1573 Going to Kill You appChapter 1574 Twilight Fields Sword Technique appChapter 1575 Lone Hero in the Darkness appChapter 1576 Concede Defeat appChapter 1577 Staying Alive Was More Important appChapter 1578 The Showdown Continues appChapter 1579 Reconstruct Meridians appChapter 1580 Factors of Victory appChapter 1581 Dispute appChapter 1582 Hattie's Insight appChapter 1583 Have You Thought This Through appChapter 1584 Go Look for Yasmine appChapter 1585 Focus On Your Training appChapter 1586 Bodies Discovered appChapter 1587 Prove Your Loyalty appChapter 1588 Mastermind appChapter 1589 You Must Trust Me appChapter 1590 Letter Delivery appChapter 1591 Was It Your Doing appChapter 1592 Hannah's Betrayal appChapter 1593 Disowned appChapter 1594 He Looks Like a Dead Man appChapter 1595 Sparks Flying appChapter 1596 Revote appChapter 1597 Yosef Qualifies appChapter 1598 Why Provoke Them? appChapter 1599 The Fight Begins appChapter 1600 Intense Fight appChapter 1601 Mark of a True Man appChapter 1602 Assessing Imposter's Strength appChapter 1603 Hired Fighter appChapter 1604 Formless Technique appChapter 1605 Unexpected Romance appChapter 1606 Arrogance appChapter 1607 Confidence appChapter 1608 Eagle-Eyed appChapter 1609 Wolf Warrior Identity appChapter 1610 Wyatt Versus Luna appChapter 1611 Suspecting Luna's Identity appChapter 1612 Wyatt Gets Serious appChapter 1613 Wyatt Unleashed His Best Move appChapter 1614 Unveiling of Strength appChapter 1615 The Clash of Titans appChapter 1616 An Unexpected Duel appChapter 1617 Nigel's Defeat appChapter 1618 The Top 8 Contestants Were Out! appChapter 1619 Luna Moone Was Assassinated appChapter 1620 Unfair appChapter 1621 You Finally Came Back appChapter 1622 Assassination appChapter 1623 The Family Rivalry appChapter 1624 Assassin's Mark: Turmoil at the Martial Arts Tournament appChapter 1625 The Grand Showdown appChapter 1626 The Poisoned Match appChapter 1627 The Ultimate Wager appChapter 1628 The Gambit's Sting appChapter 1629 Shadows of Deception: The Dual Identity appChapter 1630 Venomous Gambit appChapter 1631 Fortunes at Stake appChapter 1632 The Stage Is Yours! appChapter 1633 Exit appChapter 1634 Bet appChapter 1635 Game of Power appChapter 1636 The High-Stakes Showdown appChapter 1637 Unveiling the True Strength appChapter 1638 Bet appChapter 1639 Flashback appChapter 1640 A Friend appChapter 1641 Legendary Warrior Spirit appChapter 1642 Did We Win? appChapter 1643 Congratulation appChapter 1644 Confession appChapter 1645 Sisterly Bond appChapter 1646 Giving Up appChapter 1647 Levi Confronts Gautier appChapter 1648 Terence's Return appChapter 1649 Terence Got Into an Accident appChapter 1650 Marilyn's Calculation appChapter 1651 Suspecting Gautier appChapter 1652 Making an Entrance appChapter 1653 Grasping Gautier's Motives appChapter 1654 His True Capability appChapter 1655 Inherit the Wealth appChapter 1656 The Inheritance Contract appChapter 1657 Verify the Will appChapter 1658 Terence Is Still Alive appChapter 1659 The Last Name of the Child appChapter 1660 Election appChapter 1661 Meeting Yasmine appChapter 1662 Change of Rules appChapter 1663 The Results appChapter 1664 A New Era for the Quillen Family appChapter 1665 Mackenzie's Power appChapter 1666 Reason for Death of Julian's Parents appChapter 1667 Yosef's Disappearance appChapter 1668 Two Sides Of The Same Coin appChapter 1669 Hattie's Warning appChapter 1670 The Old Man appChapter 1671 Do What You Desire appChapter 1672 Seeking Terence's Approval appChapter 1673 I Like Life With Just the Two of Us appChapter 1674 She Boldly Embarked on the Journey appChapter 1675 The Valois Clan appChapter 1676 Retrieve the Heart of the Sun and Bring Back the Saintess appChapter 1677 Suddenly Turned Dark appChapter 1678 The War With Kasango appChapter 1679 Becoming the King of the Dark Night appChapter 1680 The Black Wolf Team appChapter 1681 I'm Here to Find My Wife appChapter 1682 The Grim Reaper's Duel appChapter 1683 Ironskull and Ostrich appChapter 1684 The Relentless Pursuit and Unveiling of a Hidden Power appChapter 1685 The Song of the Departed appChapter 1686 The Emblem of Power: A Survivor's Journey appChapter 1687 Trespassing Troubles appChapter 1688 Clash of Titans appChapter 1689 A Night of Flames and Vows appChapter 1690 The Night Wolves' Showdown With Vachon appChapter 1691 The Challenge of Mr Vachon appChapter 1692 Emmanuel's Triumph: Defeating Vachon appChapter 1693 Out of This World appChapter 1694 Encircled appChapter 1695 The Truth Unveiled appChapter 1696 Standoff at the Tower appChapter 1697 The Surrender appChapter 1698 The Challenge of Unity appChapter 1699 Unexpected Visitors appChapter 1700 A Warning appChapter 1701 Emmanuel's Arrival appChapter 1702 Gaining Trust appChapter 1703 Emmanuel Wants a Fair Fight appChapter 1704 The Leader of the Black Wolf Team appChapter 1705 True Freedom appChapter 1706 We Can Meet Your Other Conditions appChapter 1707 A Familiar Face From Yeringham appChapter 1708 The Golden Mermaid appChapter 1709 Solar Group appChapter 1710 The Reality Is Far From Ideal appChapter 1711 The Heart of the Sun appChapter 1712 I'll Care for Mackenzie While You Marry My Sister appChapter 1713 Divided appChapter 1714 Follow Him to the End appChapter 1715 Proper Respect and Consideration appChapter 1716 Just Added a Few Minor Adjustments appChapter 1717 Become One of Us appChapter 1718 Shadow Clan vs Doggo Team appChapter 1719 The Fourth Floor of the Ivory Tower appChapter 1720 The Holy Nun, Sarah Quillen appChapter 1721 Sarah's Story appChapter 1722 Hattie Zelinsky? appChapter 1723 Claudette's Transformation appChapter 1724 You Will Regret This appChapter 1725 I Summoned Her appChapter 1726 I Don't Want to Live Anymore appChapter 1727 Mackenzie Meets Claudette appChapter 1728 The End of the First Day appChapter 1729 Emmanuel's Promise appChapter 1730 A Warning to the Shadow Clan appChapter 1731 My Abilities Now Are Lacking appChapter 1732 Echoes of Rivalry appChapter 1733 Eight To One appChapter 1734 Emmanuel's Unyielding Power appChapter 1735 Rising Tensions appChapter 1736 Ruthless Xan appChapter 1737 Abduction of Aurora appChapter 1738 Ironskull's Growth appChapter 1739 Emmanuel Comes to the Rescue appChapter 1740 A Battlefield for Gods appChapter 1741 Save Your Breath appChapter 1742 The Pinnacle Doesn't Exist appChapter 1743 Aurora's Past appChapter 1744 The True Identity of Casper appChapter 1745 Meeting with Sarah appChapter 1746 The Fifth Floor appChapter 1747 Different Level appChapter 1748 Scarlet's Taking Action appChapter 1749 A Clash of Titans appChapter 1750 The Relentless Battle appChapter 1751 The Unyielding Resolve appChapter 1752 Awakening in Adversity appChapter 1753 Echoes of Destiny The Intrigue at Ophanim Clan's Citadel appChapter 1754 A Fateful Confrontation in the Shadow of Dark Night Island appChapter 1755 The Hidden Struggles and Unseen Strengths: A Tale of Battles and Destiny appChapter 1756 The Tangled Paths of Destiny and Power: A Tale of Loyalty and Strategy appChapter 1757 Unjust Fates and the Weight of Silent Despair appChapter 1758 A Tangled Web of Ambition appChapter 1759 Her Holiness' Gambit Amidst Looming Peril appChapter 1760 Black Wolf Team, Give It Your All appChapter 1761 Aurora's Unique Ability appChapter 1762 Turning the Tide appChapter 1763 Join Us appChapter 1764 Forming an Alliance appChapter 1765 Aqua's Absence appChapter 1766 The Mysterious Ruin appChapter 1767 The Blood Clan appChapter 1768 Saving Minerva appChapter 1769 Can I Trust My Instinct? appChapter 1770 The Beginnings of a Ruse appChapter 1771 Waiting appChapter 1772 Suspicious Yasmine appChapter 1773 Emmanuel Meets Mackenzie appChapter 1774 Emmanuel and Mackenzie's Reunion appChapter 1775 The Dark Surgery appChapter 1776 The Fateful Rescue appChapter 1777 Emmanuel's Return appChapter 1778 Unexpected Triumph Quintus vs The Ophanim appChapter 1779 Night of Power Dark Battles appChapter 1780 The Secret of the Dark Night the Ninja Xan Unleashed appChapter 1781 The Ruler's Challenge appChapter 1782 The Protagonist and the Demon King appChapter 1783 The Clash of Titans: Quintus vs Rhett appChapter 1784 Unforeseen Outcomes appChapter 1785 Intrusion of the Unyielding appChapter 1786 Return of the War God appChapter 1787 The Fiery Trial appChapter 1788 Inferno of the Tower Blood Ritual appChapter 1789 The Cursed Legacy appChapter 1790 The Battle Beyond the Floor appChapter 1791 Echoes of the Heavenly Pavilion appChapter 1792 Breaking the Dark Night Chains appChapter 1793 The Escape Plan appChapter 1794 The Tower Showdown appChapter 1795 The Resolve appChapter 1796 Betrayal and Redemption appChapter 1797 Trial of Loyalty appChapter 1798 The Rise of the Night Wolf appChapter 1799 A Closer Final appChapter 1800 Aqua's Second 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